Posts tagged ‘dinner party’

Preserve your life, with preservative free food!

With the holiday season over for a while, some of us might be ready to focus on saving money while still eating healthy as we start making plans for our spring or summer beach vacation.

My favorite dinner as of late, has been to get a pound of nice fresh salmon from the local co-op, marinate it with some of Wildtree”s Morrocan Salmon Sauce, which consists of fresh ginger, and honey in addition to a blend of exotic spices. Then I add a pinch of Wildtree All Natural Sea Salt to the salmon, make a nice salad with some fresh leafy greens,tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots which I toss in Wildberry Dressing.

While I am waiting for the salmon to bake in the oven, I warm up some nice fresh pita bread to dip in Wildtree’s Hummus  Seriously, This hummus is some of the best hummus I have had in a long time. It is perfectly balanced with lime juice, tahini and garbanzo puree. And, what makes it so great is that there are no preservatives. If you happen to invite your friends over for dinner, you just may get a standing ovation. Everything tastes like you made it yourself, and the best part is–you did!

 For those of you who have gotten the “memo” about processed and preserved foods, but haven’t given it much thought:  Let me clue you in! Food processing changes the original food and the proportions of the nutrients within the food. Many prepackaged, microwaveable,  and boil-in-the-bag type foods have gone through a multitude of processes before they end up in your local grocery story and refridgerator. These foods have little or no nutritional value.  You end up just eating to eat.  You are not nourishing your body at all.

The food industry allows several thousand  additives to be used in the processing of food. And just because some of these are supposedly “safe,” does NOT mean they are!!   Chemicals, food additives,  artificial sweetners which can cause all kinds of cancer, artificial flavors, dyes, nitrites, preservatives to prevent spoilage, acids, maturing agents, bleaching agents, emulsifiers to maintain consistency are all finding their way into our bodies via these easy-to-prepare packaged foods.

We now know that alot of these processes can cause allergic reactions and stress on the liver, many of which are cancer forming. Children exposed to such processes can become hyperactive and display learning difficulties.  In addition, who wants to feel sick and unhealthy all of the time?  That miserable stomach ache you have all of the time? Maybe it’s from the MSG.

This is just the begininning– I could go on and on.  And why should you even bother eating foods like this at all when you could have a healthy preservative-free meal with Wildtree prepared in just minutes? You don’t have to spend tons of money shopping at places like Whole Foods, you can make your life quick and easy by ordering Wildtree products online at   When you join the culinary club, you will save even more money.

It is very easy to turn your life around.  And once you do it, you will feel better, your food will taste better, and your family will be happier.  In addition, your dinner party guests will be very impressed:)

January 25, 2009 at 10:41 pm Leave a comment


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